Bowling Duo Competes in League

Visually impaired ten pin bowling group reaches finals
With the closure of the National Blind Tenpin Bowling Association earlier this year, Southend in Sight’s visually impaired tenpin bowling group are now competing in the British Blind Sport Bowling League.
Andrew Spendley and Clare McLewin, have managed to reach the finals of the ‘Summer Doubles’ competition. The duo are called; ‘The Misfits’, after the pair became friends at the bowling alley.
Andrew says: “I have been bowling with Southend in Sight for over 10 years now and I enjoy the social aspect of meeting up each week with others like myself who are living with sight loss. The bowling gets me out of the house and has improved my independence, as I have
to take public transport to get to the bowling alley in Hockley. It also means I am actively exercising and I happen to enjoy myself while I am there!”
The visually impaired bowling group meet Thursday mornings (term time only) at CJs Bowling Alley, Eldon Way, Hockley. They welcome new bowlers of all abilities to join their fun social group or enter into the league if they wish. For more information about the bowling team, please call Anne Morris (the Captain!) on 01702 342131.