Free Soft Play Event provides Great Fun

Visually impaired children attend soft play event during half term
18 families attended this free event provided by the generosity of local charity, the Leigh Lions. Southend in Sight had received a kind donation from the Lions of £500.
The children were able to roam free at Kid’s Kingdom in Southend and enjoy the facilities with their friends and family members. The fun filled evening finished with a meal and ice cream for all. The photo shows brothers Jude and Sidney.
Georgie Haynes, Community Engagement Officer, who organised the event says: “The families had asked if it was possible to organise a private event, as their visually impaired children find it difficult when soft play venues are very busy. The children were genuinely so excited at the prospect of having the place to themselves, some having never visited before”.
Lucy Martin, CEO of Southend in Sight, says: “We are very grateful to the Leigh Lions for their generous donation. It really has made a difference to these local children who have been given the freedom to explore and play together. The families also have an opportunity to connect with others in a similar situation to their own”.
If you, your group, or company would like to make a donation and sponsor one of our future events for children, please call our office on 01702 342131.