Leader of Southend Macular Group celebrated

Achievements recognised as group leader steps down
Southend in Sight presented Coral Carter, Leader of the Southend Macular Group, with some flowers as a thank you for helping to support local people with macular over the last 8 years.
Coral Carter has been the Leader of the Southend Macular Group since 2015. She was first diagnosed with macular degeneration in 2009, but it wasn’t until after attending the Wickford Macular Group, that Coral decided to set one up for the Southend area. There are now 44 members who meet regularly for coffee, quizzes and outings, sharing their experiences of living with macular.
During the pandemic, Coral kept in touch with everyone through regular calls, a newsletter and phone-in. Coral and her husband Frank volunteer their time and have decided to step down as Leader and Treasurer, and just enjoy coming along as regular members.
Julie Powlette, the newly elected Leader, in her own words knows she “has some big boots to fill!” Julie hopes that she will be able to continue the legacy this vital service has provided for local people living with macular with the help of her committee.
Southend in Sight CEO Lucy Martin, who was there to give Coral her flowers said, “We refer many people each year to the Southend Macular Group, as we know they will find support and friendship at the meetings. This is all thanks to the hard work of Coral and Frank, who will now be able to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labour. Our thanks and congratulations to them both”
The Southend Macular Group meets on the first Wednesday of the month, from 2-4pm, at The Ekco Club, Thornford Gardens, Southend-on-Sea SS2, 6PU. Please contact Julie Powlette for more information on: 01702 873886.