Mayor presents Long Service Award

Southend Mayor presents award to dedicated team member
Southend in Sight invited Southend Mayor, Cllr Stephen Habermel, to their Volunteer Week celebrations to present a Long Service Award.
The Mayor met Southend in Sight’s long serving team member, Anne Morris, who first signed up as a volunteer back in 2002, before becoming a paid member of staff. Anne’s role today is not dissimilar to what she was doing over 20 years ago. She makes calls to those who are at the start of their sight loss journey and in need of vital peer-to-peer support, something that our Chairman of Trustees, Russell Cable, directly experienced.
In his speech to Anne, Russell said, “I remember meeting you for the first time and your words stuck with me – don’t let your sight loss define you. I am also grateful to you for introducing me to bowling, although I have not yet managed to be part of a winning team!”
Lucy Martin, CEO of Southend in Sight, says: “Thank you Anne for all your hard work, determination and dedication– we look forward to benefitting from your knowledge and experience for many years to come”.
If you would like to know more information about volunteering for Southend in Sight then please call our office on 01702 342131.